
I actually had KDE 3.2.1 ready the same day as the tarballs were released! =)
The Fink announcement is here. The official KDE announcement is here.
Let me know if you run into problems, this one seems stable enough that it might be worth moving to Fink stable.
[Update:] Just a reminder, if you have problems, please don't just post to the blog comments, e-mail me instead.

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Sunday, Medium Rare Sunday

It's a nice lazy Sunday afternoon. My roommate and I got a grill, we're cookin' up burgers, and it's a nice 66 degrees outside.
I've got an XFree86 4.4 package working, it seems to run really nice. It's pending inclusion in unstable after we decide how we want to handle the licensing issue. The main question now is, do we stand with the other distros in not releasing 4.4 packages so that XFree86 is more likely to unkink their licensing, or do we release anyways (since it seems like, at least, there isn't a conflict anymore)?
Also, I've basically got KDE 3.2.1 done now. I'm finishing up the test builds on 10.3, but I see no reason it won't be releasable to coincide with the tarball release from the KDE folks.
I've got my KDE/Mac toolset put back together and I'm through kdelibs in building everything again (including an update to Qt 3.3.1, I've gotta get packages put together and up on the KDE binary page).
Things are moving along in a generally forward direction, as mom would say. I'll keep you posted when I get new KDE/Mac binaries together and ready for perusal.

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KDE 3.2.1 Packaged, XFree86 4.4 Update

KDE 3.2.1 was released to packagers in the last week or so. The packaging went pretty easily, I expect to be able to release on or shortly after the tarballs are publicly available.
Also, Torrey Lyons posted an informative message (archives/archives) to the x11-users list discussing the licensing issues for XFree86 4.4. What he says makes sense, I'm gonna run it by the other Fink core members and I'm working on packaging 4.4 final right now, to make sure it builds OK.

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Am I a Non-Aging Alien?

You be the judge.
(OK, Ian Meyer did this. And he says I am strange...)

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Back in Black

Well, I'm back from vacation and ready to pick up some of the threads I was working on before I left.

Big things on the plate right now:

  1. Either package XFree86 4.4 final or backport Darwin-specific fixes to the 4.4 rc2 released before the recent licensing fiasco, depending on how we want Fink to handle such things. I have to do some looking into it first.
  2. Get the KDE/Mac stuff up-to-date with latest CVS and make sure all the patches are cleaned up to start tinkering again.
  3. Finish up fixing some upgrade issues with certain KDE/X11 Fink 3.1.x -> 3.2 transitions.
  4. ??
  5. Profit!
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Been quiet, hasn't it?
Sunset in Guatemala
Missing you in the Carribbean. Oh, wait, who am I kidding. =)

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(Announcement Sent to fink-announce) KDE 3.2.0 and KOffice 1.3 in Fink Unstable

KDE 3.2.0 for Fink Released

KDE 3.2.0 is now available in the unstable 10.3 (Panther) tree.
This release contains significant new features and bugfixes.

For a general idea of what's changed, see the official announcement


The following is a list of changes related specifically to the Fink
release of KDE:

  • qt 3.2.3 has had a number of bugfixes, including fixes to
    using Qt with qmake-based projects, and a few minor speed boosts
  • most of the changes from the KDE 3.1.x series in Fink have been
    sent upstream to the KDE folks so the amount of patches in the
    current fink packages are considerably smaller
  • KOffice is back, although not all filters work yet. Expect
    revisions as things get cleaned up.
  • Some post-3.2.0 patches are in these packages as well, to fix
    several big bugs that were found after the initial release by the
    KDE team.


KDE 3.2.0 is available in both the 10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3 trees, in


To install these packages you will need to update your package
listings, by doing:

fink selfupdate

You must have unstable enabled, and be configured to pull packages
through CVS or RSync, not just updating at "point release". If you
are currently tracking point releases, you can run
"fink selfupdate-rsync" (preferred) or "fink selfupdate-cvs".

For more information on enabling unstable, see:


Once you have a fresh package listing, you can update by running
"fink update-all" if you have an existing KDE installation. If you
did not previously have KDE installed, you can run "fink install
" (or "fink install bundle-kde" if US export laws
prevent you using strong crypto).

Problems? Questions?

If you have questions or problems, please try the Fink mailing lists:

Fink Beginners: http://www.finkproject.org/lists/fink-beginners.php
Fink Users: http://www.finkproject.org/lists/fink-users.php

Or, you can contact the maintainer (me).

I expect there will probably be some upgrade issues, I've done a lot
of testing of the 3.2 series from prerelease on, but things always
pop up. I will do my best to get things fixed up as soon as

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KDE 3.2 (again)

So I ended up delaying the KDE release, it turns out there were some major problems in handling freetype. I've reworked the way I do builds (and, it turns out, made it quite a bit easier to manage while I was at it), and am doing testing right now. Hopefully I'll finish up the builds sometime tomorrow and be able to release, things are looking good now.
*crosses fingers*

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Shameless Plug

So at work we're doing this sales thing where if you refer someone, you can win an iPod. If you know someone who might be interested in a network management appliance, please fill this out. You may win an iPod, whoever buys an OpticNerve will get an iPod, and I might get an iPod. Everyone wins! =)

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Looks like I didn't get the Fink packages ready in time. =)
I've still got a few dep bits to clean up, and some upgrade testing to do, so it looks like the packages won't be ready until probably wednesday or thursday (more likely thursday).
Ah well, I was close...
On the bright side, it takes so long for people to build KDE that I won't get bug reports until the weekend. <grin>

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