By RangerRick, on June 9th, 2004
So in response to the people asking for a way to donate, I've now put up an Amazon Honor System link (which is like paypal, but I don't have to be a "merchant" to put up a donation link).

To start with, I'm going to consider it an experiment to see if I can get the money to renew my (now defunct) ADC membership in time to help get Fink ready for Mac OS X 10.4. You need a for-pay ADC membership to get early access to the WWDC seeds (and later). For the last couple of years, I paid for an ADC membership out of my own pocket, and donated the spare seed keys to other Fink developers.
If you want to help out, just follow the link and make whatever donation you want. If you don't, I understand; still feels a little weird to be asking in the first place. =)
Another developer has offered up a spare seed key, so if those of you who donated want to cancel it (you have up to 30 days to do so) feel free. If you want to support me while I continue to be unemployed, that's great, but I can't guarantee devoting my time to fink/kde entirely right now, I'm still spending a lot of time actively looking for employment... I'll do what I can, however.
I *am* right now working on KDE 3.2.3 and postgresql 7.4 (and hopefully mono beta2 when I'm done with those), but I can't say when they'll be finished yet.
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By RangerRick, on June 7th, 2004
By RangerRick, on May 27th, 2004
So I've been unemployed for a week, as of 3 hours ago. =)
In Fink news, I've been working on entirely repackaging PostgreSQL 7.3, and packaging PostgreSQL 7.4, so that they can coexist (and so that the bugs in the 7.3 packages are fixed).
Other than that, it's been all business. My resume has gone through a number of revisions (and will probably see more). I've applied for a number of jobs (including one at RedHat, phear). I've applied for individual insurance. I've applied for unemployment benefits. It's crazy how busy you are when you're out of a job. =)
I've gotten a bunch of pledges for doing development on Fink/KDE full-time, although nothing anywhere near a living wage, I'm sorry to say. I don't really see how on-demand development would make that any different; especially since there are still big infrastructure things that would have to happen in all of KDE before there's any specific features that could be worked on. It would be great to be able to do it full-time, but it seems unless I get a big benefactor, it wouldn't be enough. Feel free to prove me wrong, though... <grin>
I guess I'm just rambling so that I could have an update, it's been a strange ride being simultaneously insanely busy and having nothing I have to do. There's a lot going on right now that will hopefully bear fruit. Wish me luck!
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By RangerRick, on May 25th, 2004
I am now officially unemployed.
The company I so recently worked for has now shut it's doors. We had an incredible product, but the money ran out and the VC wasn't willing to continue funding. There's various hypotheses why, but I don't want to air the dirty laundry here. Suffice it to say this is by far the best group of people I've ever worked with -- everyone there was simply stunningly talented, and fun to work with to boot.
If you know of any work in the Raleigh area (or telecommute), especially in the open-source and/or macintosh arena, drop me a line.
Oh, and my resume's here. =)
So let me ask you a hypothetical question. If I were to do what Yoram Snir suggested in the comments, would you pledge? Because there's nothing I'd love more than to be able to just work on Fink and KDE full time. Is it worth bothering some kind of pledge thing to gauge it? This would be a dream, but I don't know if I could pull enough to live off of.
A number of press sites picked up our press release about Oculan shutting down:
Someone from the N&O is supposed to call me today, they're going to be running a piece about how we all stay in touch after the company imploded. I set up a mailing list for our ex-employees to keep in touch, exchange resume help and job leads, and just goof around. Maybe the exposure will help me get something. =)
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By RangerRick, on May 16th, 2004
I've got Mono 1.0 Beta 1 in 10.3 unstable now. It's not in 10.2 because of some library-loading issues I haven't worked out yet.
This release includes gtk-sharp (which almost entirely works now!), and monodoc, the C#/mono/GTK# documentation browser. It also includes cairo and libgdiplus, which add the Mono.Cairo and System.Drawing APIs, respectively.
I ran a buttload of the tests from gtk-sharp, screenshots are here. If you have any suggestions of apps to port to make sure things are generally working, let me know. =)
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By RangerRick, on May 3rd, 2004
I've got a new CheeseTracker binary built for Mac OS X, using Qt/Mac 3.3. It's looking pretty good, although sometimes it freezes on logout, seems to be some kind of thread-locking issues in CoreAudio.
If you want to give it a try, you can grab it here. I've registered with VersionTracker so I can put it up there as well. Whoo!
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By RangerRick, on April 30th, 2004
I've got KDE 3.2.2 released to Fink unstable (both the 10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3 trees) now. Please let me know if you have any issues, the only known problem is sound not working still.
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By RangerRick, on April 14th, 2004
Well, today's my birthday, the big 2-8. Cynthia sent me some flowers to work, they're very nice!

I also got Angel, seasons 1-3 from Dad & Patty... I've got lots of TV watching to catch up on. =)
Going out to Maggiano's tonight for dinner, assuming I'm not too sick to go (I had a 100-something fever last night, although I'm feeling quite a bit better now.)
On the subject of things you people are coming here for (grin), I'm going to be working on packaging KDE 3.2.2 for Fink, it's due out soon. I should have some time to work on it tomorrow evening, expect checkins to experimental soon.
Also, I'd talked about working on gtk-sharp, according to the I give up / Mac OS X PPC support thread on the Mono discussion list, my best bet is to wait a bit. There is someone who is starting to actively work on the OSX/PPC port; most of the brokenness is known issues and just needs some time from Miguel's team to get cleaned up. For now I'm going to hold off on working on it and come back when they get things to mature a little more.
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By RangerRick, on April 6th, 2004
Just haven't been updating the blog recently. Things I've been working on:
- Getting GTK# to work on Mac OS X
- Trying to get the KDE upgrade issues fixed up so that I can move 3.2.1 to stable in Fink.
- Profit!
KDE 3.2.2 is coming down the pipe very soon, I'll probably spend a week or so getting that working once it hits the packager list.
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By RangerRick, on March 10th, 2004
The KDE/Mac binaries on have (finally) been updated. No new macosx-specific "features", just getting everything up-to-date to make it possible to do some real development on them again.
For more info on building and other such things, see the faq.
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