By RangerRick, on September 23rd, 2004
The latest Mono and friends seems to have fixed all the issues I ran into upgrading past 1.0. I also was able to release monodevelop for the first time (yay!).
- cairo: updated with a small bugfix patch from the ximian linux packages
- gecko-sharp: remove references to ICU stuff when building
- gtk-sharp: split into gtk-sharp/gtk-sharp-monodoc to get around a bootstrapping issue, also updated to 1.0.2
- gtksourceview-sharp: remove references to ICU stuff when building
- mono: updated to 1.0.2
- monodoc: updated to 1.0.2
- mono-xsp: re-released, now that it (mostly) runs again
- monodevelop: newly introduced; based on a 0.5.1 svn snapshot
- libgdiplus: updated to 1.0.2
- libicuXX: updated to a package that provides the headers that go along with Apple's libicucore.A.dylib, removed old libicuXX's since the only thing using it in fink is mono at the moment anyways
The only issues I've seen so far are minor. Mozilla currently does not build with's freetype (it's too new). You'll probably have to apt-get install mozilla-dev if you want gecko-sharp (and, by extension, monodevelop). Also, XSP runs, but some of the examples crash it. I've gotta get some decent bug reports to pass back to the XSP folks. Other than that I think things are looking pretty solid.
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By RangerRick, on September 16th, 2004
While I haven't updated my blog much recently, you may have noticed I've been pretty busy...
I got XFree86 moved to stable, and got a number of releases out (the most recent includes the 6.8.1 security fixes, and should interoperate nicely dependency-wise with other X11's as far as upgrading, as well as fix some headers that broke gnome).
I've been making headway on KDE. Everything's pretty solid except kdevelop and koffice (1.3.3 just got sent to packagers, I'm working on that). I'll let you know when there's more of interest.
I also packaged a few interesting things... gnomoradio, an independent music rating/listening system, as well as applex11tools, a package to let you install XFree86 or and still use Apple's and quartz-wm (in fact, you can run and simultaneously if you tell XDarwin to start on display 1. Nutty!)
Another big thing I just released was a ton of java updates, including new Fink support for doing some tricks to set JAVA_HOME when building packages. tomcat4 is finally in 10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3. Yay!
I guess that's it for now. Until next time, signing off. =)
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By RangerRick, on August 22nd, 2004
I've put PostgreSQL 7.3.7 and 7.4.5 in Fink unstable. These are bugfix releases that could fix some data corruption issues in the transaction log. There are also a number of packaging fixes, including a fix to running postgresql 7.3 when 7.4 is installed.
I've also got KDE 3.3 up to kdebase building, although there seem to be some issues in Qt3.3 PNG display (well, I'm not sure if it's Qt or KDE yet, got some digging to do.)
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By RangerRick, on August 15th, 2004
Yes, it's been quiet, but I assure you, I've been busy. Figured it's time to post an update as to what's going on.
I've got Mono 1.0.1 all put together, just need to do some final testing and put it out. Sorry, there still is no modern mono on 10.2-gcc3.3, it refuses to build and I haven't found a solution yet.
I got various builds of KDE 3.3 beta working, and it seems to have shaped up pretty well. KDE 3.3 is being uploaded right now and will go live very soon, I'm working on getting everything updated to KDE 3.3 final and I'll see if things will be ready for release... well... sometime. 😉
It looks like the major problems in the PostgreSQL packages have been ironed out now. I'm working on putting together a PostgreSQL 8.0 package, too, with the 8.0 beta.
- X Server
The new release of the X Server is coming, and I'm going to work on packaging that up as well. I've got a package in my exp tree but haven't actually tried building it yet. 😉
I'll keep you updated, I'll be updating a bunch of stuff over the next few weeks.
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By RangerRick, on July 19th, 2004
In Memoriam, Puff Reed, 1986-2004
Shortly after I'd moved in with my buddy Larry, I took my cat in for a check-up, and found out that she was in renal (kidney) failure. It's treatable (for a time, anyways) with saline injections under the skin. For almost a year I'd been taking her in to get that done, and she'd responded to it just fine -- she was her usual self, attacking my roommate's cats and everything. (Yes, my 6-pound, tiny grandmother of a cat kept Larry's much younger and twice-to-nearly-three-times-as-large cats at bay.)
Recently, though, she just hadn't been herself; she wasn't active at all, her eyes were weepy pretty regularly, and she just plain didn't look very happy anymore. Today I had to take my companion of 18 years to the vet to be put to sleep. She'd been with me for almost 2/3rds of my life, it's going to be hard to imagine her not being around.
She was a good cat, and a great companion. She was always spunky and active, but loved being a lap cat, too. She was one of the few cats I knew that would (almost) always come when you called. She'd been there for me since I moved with my mother, away from my dad and stepmom and friends in Wisconsin, and she'd been there for all of the major things that have happened in my life since then. She'd been with me through many moves, roommates, and a fateful run-in with a cat that gave her a little notch on her ear. She always held up well through changes, and was always a comforting constant even when everything else was in flux.
She will always be missed. I can at least take comfort that she went peacefully.
P.S.: The title of this post is a reference to Coach Z saying "Three cheers for the Chort!" Larry would sometimes say "Three cheers for the Porf!" when he saw Puff walk into the room.
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By RangerRick, on July 9th, 2004
I accepted today an offer with PinPoint (well, PowerByHand), doing freaky perl stuff. 🙂
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By RangerRick, on July 9th, 2004
I committed some updates to a ton of stuff I've been working on for the last week or two
- PostgreSQL: I updated PostgreSQL to enable thread-safety, as well as applying a patch from Craig Struble to fix some problems in 7.3 and 7.4 co-existing.
- Java: I've been going through the Fink tree-comparison page to figure out what's left for me to move over. I've moved a metric ton of the Java stuff I own (Jakarta Commons, and so on) as well as updating log4j, ant, and some other stuff that's been out of date. There's more to come, I want to get Tomcat4 and Tomcat5 in the 10.3 tree, still.
- KDE: I'm still working on KDE 3.3, it's slowly getting there. There's some problems in KDESDK and a few other things to get cleared up before I can start really testing for release to unstable.
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By RangerRick, on July 4th, 2004
I've got mono 1.0 in the 10.3 tree now, including monodoc, gtk#, gecko#, gtksourceview#, and libgdiplus. XSP is still crashy, so I've removed it for now, and monodevelop still doesn't run either. Hopefully we'll get those worked out shortly.
KDE 3.3 is coming along nicely. Most of it is compiling, running into a few minor snags here and there but it's runnable. I'll post when I've got everything ready for those willing to dig into the experimental tree and give them a shot. 🙂
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By RangerRick, on June 23rd, 2004
I've put KDE 3.2.3 in Fink unstable (both 10.2-gcc3.3 and 10.3). It's looking pretty solid, I'm gonna wait for some input and then I think it's the first 3.2.x release that will be worth releasing to stable.
Now it's time to start packaging qt 3.3 and KDE 3.3 alpha.
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By RangerRick, on June 20th, 2004
PostgreSQL 7.3.6 and 7.4.3 are in unstable in the 10.3 tree now; I'm testing in the 10.2-gcc3.3 tree at this moment and hope to release them there soon as well.
I've got most of KDE 3.2.3 built and just need to do some spot-checking and last-minute cleanup of the packages.
Mono has some stuff that's broken that I've gotta figure out before I can release, but I think I've got all the pieces put together at least.
I guess that's about it. I'm glad to have the PostgreSQL thing out in the wild, I'm tired of messing with it. Of course, I'm sure there'll be bug reports, but for the most part it should be better than what was there.
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