PostgreSQL 8.0.3, 7.4.8, and 7.3.10 in Fink stable

Just an FYI, all available PostgreSQL packages have made the move to stable, and, as I understand it, will be available in the upcoming Fink binary distribution.

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Discontinue Non-SSL KDE Packages?

Right now, basically the only thing holding me back from putting KDE 3.4.0 in stable is continued packaging issues with conflicts between SSL and non-SSL packages.
The division between SSL and non-SSL is kind of silly anyways -- what does everyone think about me dropping the non-SSL packages altogether? My suspicion is most people who install the non-SSL ones do it only because they didn't think/remember to put "-ssl" on the end of the package...

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Fraglimit Hit

Hey, cool, some friends of mine are in a documentary about gaming culture called Fraglimit Hit. It's a pretty entertaining indie flick, check it out if you get the chance...

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Fink and the art of Upgrade Maintenance

It looks like the first part of our Tiger strategy is gelling pretty well. There are still plenty of packages that don't build on Tiger, but that number is surprisingly low, and we've maintained binary compatibility with 10.3 in such a way that will give is time to make the harder switch to gcc-4.0 entirely.

If you update to the latest fink you should have the ability to switch to the 10.4-transitional tree on Tiger. This tree is essentially a copy of the 10.3 tree, plus some changes that were Tiger-only that have been waiting in experimental for such an occasion.

Also, vasi has done some really cool stuff with indexing in fink HEAD that speeds up fink immensely (scanning the index when there are changes has gone from 40 seconds to 4 on one of my dev boxes). Fink 0.25 is gonna be a really slick release.

I'm planning on moving KDE to stable sometime in the next few days. I've done some upgrade testing from 3.1.4 and it should go reasonably smooth (you may need to run "fink update-all" twice, but apt-get dist-upgrade will work once they're in the bindist). If you have any showstopper bugs, holler now!

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PostgreSQL 7.3, 7.4, and 8.0 in Stable

I've moved all of the PostgreSQL packages to Fink 10.3 stable (for more details on what's changed, see here). These packages also work on Tiger, and are in the 10.4-transitional tree, minus 7.3, which doesn't build on OSX. (No loss, both 7.4 and 8.0 do...)

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Nine Inch Nails Garageband Music

This is outside of the usual scope of my posts, but too cool not to talk about.
Trent Reznor released a garageband version of The Hand That Feeds (a single from his new CD) for remixing purposes.
(Bump) He's now released Only in a number of formats, including GarageBand and ACID.

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PostgreSQL 7.3.9, 7.4.7, and 8.0.2 in Fink Unstable

I've released updated PostgreSQL 7.3 and 7.4 packages, and a new set of packages for PostgreSQL 8.0 to Fink unstable.

I did a lot of work to make sure they could be installed concurrently, to make it easy for people who are still on old databases to migrate at their leisure without forcing packagers to keep compatible with old versions. Funny thing is, a side-effect of this is that you can run 7.3, 7.4, and 8.0 concurrently if you change the port they use. 😉

I've also changed the database initialization to be deferred until the first time is called, rather than doing it at package install time, which makes it easier to debug if something goes wrong. Also, I updated startup to check some of the common shared memory settings and either suggest upgrades or create an /etc/sysctl.conf for some good defaults on systems that don't have it already (which is basically all OSX installations unless a local administrator has manually created the file).

Lastly, the PostgreSQL packages have been updated to now include the following libraries and addons:

  • psqlODBC 07.03.0100
  • libpq++ 4.0
  • libpqxx 1.5.1
  • libpqxx 2.5.0
  • libpgeasy 3.0.4
  • PostGIS 1.0.0-rc6
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KDE Cleanups and PostgreSQL Updates

There's a few more things to fix before I can move KDE to stable.

  1. The whole net-snmp/net-snmp-ssl thing. I'm tempted to say "forget it" to ksim's SNMP support in general, since ksim's only slightly functional on darwin in the first place.
  2. kdesdk3 builddepends on kdepim3, but kdepim3 has been moved to crypto. -- I'm gonna have to figure out a way to remove the builddep, or to chop things up into ssl/non-ssl versions. Or move kdesdk3 to crypto. 🙂

Other than that, it's looking pretty good.
Also, PostgreSQL 8.0 is packaged in my experimental. I'm doing some finishing touches on testing and then I'll get it released to unstable, and put it on the fasttrack to stable, since the postgresql73/postgresql74 packages also have some security updates.
I've actually gotten a few people looking at the bugzilla, which is awesome. I'm planning in the future on auto-opening bugs based on feedback. Please feel free to create a login and add yourself to the CC on bugs you're interested in following.

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So I've finally realized I've just got too much stuff going on to track bugs well just through e-mail, so I've set up bugzilla on my server.
If you notice problems, have feature requests for any of my packages, or anything else related to Fink or my web site, please give it a shot. I'll start taking any feedback e-mails and passing them through there too.

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KDE 3.4.0 in Fink unstable

It's been in unstable for a little while now and seems to be firming up. There have been a few upgrade issues but I've gotten a lot of great feedback to help debug things and get them fixed.
If you notice issues, please e-mail me and I'll get them fixed as soon as possible.

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