By RangerRick, on February 9th, 2006
So I've got news I totally wouldn't have expected to have even a year ago. Last week I gave my 2 weeks' notice, and I'm going to be going to work for Raritan. So you're thinking, "that's not so strange. A new job? Happens to lots of people." Hah! Well, Raritan is the company that ended up with the Oculan intellectual property. 🙂
But wait, there's more! This time around, I'm going to be a Java developer (which I've been doing a little on the side at my current job, and really actually enjoying). I'm really looking forward to giving the Oculan codebase another chance at life, and to work on it a little more deeply, rather than just making RPMs and twinking perl scripts. The technology was always good, so it will be nice to see what Raritan can do with it.
Wish me luck!
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By RangerRick, on January 21st, 2006
David Morrison's been doing an incredible amount of work getting everything organized for a real 10.4/gcc4 tree (which should, in theory, work with the new intel macs). I'm finally getting around to starting to take a real look at getting my packages ready for such a beast. I've finished bootstrapping the 10.4 tree, and am now working my way through deps.
In the meantime, here's my stuff that's been updated since my last blog post.
Amarok: updated to 1.3.8 (also, released to the 10.3 tree)
GnuPG: took over maintainership, updated to 1.4.2
GStreamer 0.10: updated gstreamer-0.10, gst-plugins-base-0.10, gst-plugins-good-0.10, and gst-plugins-ugly-0.10 to the latest versions (0.10.2 for some, 0.10.1 for others, depending on what's available) -- this is the first time these packages have been released to the 10.3 tree, as well
Mono: updated to 1.1.13
Net::Jabber: initial release
Net::XMPP: initial release
Poppler: released a package for the Qt3 bindings
PostgreSQL: all PostgreSQL packages have been updated to their latest versions (7.3.13, 7.4.11, 8.0.6, and 8.1.2, respectively) -- this includes finally getting the 8.1 packages up-to-speed and PostGIS at 1.1.0 (after some finicky trickery with their new build system)
XML::Stream: initial release
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By RangerRick, on January 5th, 2006
So I got a sweet new camera and went "wow, even comes with up-to-date Mac software!" Little did I know what I was in for.
Continue reading Thank You, Nikon, For Your “Support” (updated)
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By RangerRick, on December 17th, 2005
Finally got MonoDevelop working again. Looks like the last hurdle was mozilla -- for some reason, gecko-sharp (or mono 1.1.10/1.1.11, or something) was bombing with the mozilla 1.7.5 libraries. I've changed the dependencies to use firefox instead, and everything works. (Yay!)
Amarok: updated to 1.3.7, changed to allow the choice of backends: xine, gstreamer, or both
amrnb: new package, a speech codec used for mobile phones
Cocoa#: resurrected package, a Cocoa interface for Mono
Gecko#: updated to use firefox libraries instead of mozilla
GStreamer: new packages for GStreamer 0.10 (gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-ugly)
IKVM: updated to
libgdiplus: updated to 1.1.11
liboil-0.3: new package, a CPU optimization library
libsmoke: resurrected package, library for making Qt language bindings
Mono: updated to 1.1.11
MonoDevelop: updated to 0.9 -- and it even works 😉
Mono Tools: updated to 1.1.11
MonoDoc: updated to 1.1.11
perl modules: updated a number of perl modules, cleaning up installation, as well as some version bumps:
DBI: updated to 1.49
Digest: updated to 1.14
IO::Stringy: updated to 2.110
MailTools: updated to 1.67
Mime-Tools: updated to 5.418
Net::Jabber: new package, version 2.0
Net::XMPP: new package, version 1.0
OpenGL: reworked linking
PerlQt: resurrected package, 3.009 (CVS snapshot)
Test::Manifest: updated to 1.14
URI::Find: updated to 0.16
URI::Find::Rule: updated to 0.8
XML::Dumper: new package, version 0.79
XSP: updated to
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By RangerRick, on November 29th, 2005
I've gotten mono updated to 1.1.10. The only thing still not working is MonoDevelop. (There's a bug while building, although at least some of the other ones are fixed now.) A few other miscellaneous packages were updated as well.
I've also been working on getting KDE updated to 3.5. I'm through most of the packages, just have to get kdepim, kdeutils, and kdewebdev built.
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By RangerRick, on November 9th, 2005
I've managed to get everything in kdelibs that is scons-controlled to build against Qt4/Mac. Not much to show with it yet, as there aren't really any apps set up to be built with scons yet, but it's definitely a start.
Everything is checked into KDE trunk, so if you want to play, go for it. 🙂
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By RangerRick, on November 1st, 2005
10-0-5-25:~/ ranger$ scons -u
scons: Entering directory `/Users/ranger/'
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: building associated BuildDir targets: build/kdecore
g++ -o build/kdecore/libkdecore.6.0.2.dylib -L/opt/kde-reqs/lib -lidn -undefined error -install_name kdecore.6.dylib -dynamiclib build/kdecore/libintl.os build/kdecore/kapplication.os build/kdecore/kauthorized.os build/kdecore/kdebug.os build/kdecore/kconfigbase.os build/kdecore/kconfig.os build/kdecore/ksimpleconfig.os build/kdecore/kconfigbackend.os build/kdecore/kmanagerselection.os build/kdecore/kdesktopfile.os build/kdecore/kstandarddirs.os build/kdecore/kprocess.os build/kdecore/kprocctrl.os build/kdecore/klocale.os build/kdecore/krfcdate.os build/kdecore/kiconeffect.os build/kdecore/kicontheme.os build/kdecore/kiconloader.os build/kdecore/krootprop.os build/kdecore/kcharsets.os build/kdecore/kckey.os build/kdecore/kshortcut.os build/kdecore/kkeynative_x11.os build/kdecore/kkeyserver_x11.os build/kdecore/kaccelaction.os build/kdecore/kshortcutmenu.os build/kdecore/kaccelbase.os build/kdecore/kaccel.os build/kdecore/kglobalaccel.os build/kdecore/kstdaccel.os build/kdecore/kshortcutlist.os build/kdecore/kcrash.os build/kdecore/kurl.os build/kdecore/kglobal.os build/kdecore/kglobalsettings.os build/kdecore/kallocator.os build/kdecore/kvmallocator.os build/kdecore/kmimesourcefactory.os build/kdecore/kinstance.os build/kdecore/kpalette.os build/kdecore/kipc.os build/kdecore/klibloader.os build/kdecore/ktempfile.os build/kdecore/kuniqueapplication.os build/kdecore/kacceleratormanager.os build/kdecore/ksavefile.os build/kdecore/krandomsequence.os build/kdecore/kstringhandler.os build/kdecore/kcompletion.os build/kdecore/kcmdlineargs.os build/kdecore/kaboutdata.os build/kdecore/kcompletionbase.os build/kdecore/knotifyclient.os build/kdecore/kaudioplayer.os build/kdecore/kdcoppropertyproxy.os build/kdecore/kprocio.os build/kdecore/krandom.os build/kdecore/kpixmapprovider.os build/kdecore/ktoolinvocation.os build/kdecore/kcodecs.os build/kdecore/fakes.os build/kdecore/ksycoca.os build/kdecore/ksycocadict.os build/kdecore/ksycocafactory.os build/kdecore/kxmessages.os build/kdecore/kstartupinfo.os build/kdecore/kcatalog.os build/kdecore/kstaticdeleter.os build/kdecore/kappdcopiface.os build/kdecore/kclipboard.os build/kdecore/kcheckaccelerators.os build/kdecore/kdeversion.os build/kdecore/kdebugdcopiface.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystem.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystemgregorian.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystemhijri.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystemhebrew.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystemfactory.os build/kdecore/kmacroexpander.os build/kdecore/kidna.os build/kdecore/ktempdir.os build/kdecore/kshell.os build/kdecore/kmountpoint.os build/kdecore/kcalendarsystemjalali.os build/kdecore/kprotocolinfo_kdecore.os build/kdecore/kprotocolinfofactory.os build/kdecore/kxerrorhandler.os build/kdecore/kuser.os build/kdecore/kconfigskeleton.os build/kdecore/klockfile.os build/kdecore/kqiodevicegzip_p.os build/kdecore/ktimezones.os build/kdecore/ktzfiletimezone.os build/kdecore/kmath.os build/kdecore/ksycoca_skel.os build/kdecore/kappdcopiface_skel.os build/kdecore/kdebugdcopiface_skel.os build/kdecore/network/kresolver.os build/kdecore/network/kresolvermanager.os build/kdecore/network/kresolverworkerbase.os build/kdecore/network/ksocketaddress.os build/kdecore/network/kresolverstandardworkers.os build/kdecore/network/kreverseresolver.os build/kdecore/network/ksocketbase.os build/kdecore/network/ksocketdevice.os build/kdecore/network/kclientsocketbase.os build/kdecore/network/kstreamsocket.os build/kdecore/network/kbufferedsocket.os build/kdecore/network/ksocketbuffer.os build/kdecore/kglobalaccel_x11.os build/kdecore/ktoolinvocation_x11.os build/kdecore/ksocks.os build/kdecore/netsupp.os build/kdecore/netwm.os build/kdecore/kpty.os build/kdecore/kwin.os build/kdecore/kwinmodule.os build/kdecore/network/kserversocket.os build/kdecore/network/kdatagramsocket.os build/kdecore/network/khttpproxysocketdevice.os build/kdecore/network/ksockssocketdevice.os build/kdecore/network/knetworkinterface.os -Lbuild/dcop -Ldcop -Ldcop -Lbuild/libltdl -Llibltdl -Llibltdl -L. -Lbuild/kdecore/build -Lkdecore/build -L/opt/qt-mac/lib -ldl -lDCOP -lltdlc -lresolv -lz -F/opt/qt-mac/lib -framework QtCore -framework QtGui -framework QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtXml -framework Qt3Support -framework Carbon
ld: warning -L: directory name (build/kdecore/build) does not exist
ld: warning -L: directory name (kdecore/build) does not exist
symlinking build/kdecore/libkdecore.6.dylib (-> libkdecore.6.0.2.dylib)
symlinking build/kdecore/libkdecore.dylib (-> libkdecore.6.0.2.dylib)
creating build/kdecore/
scons: `kdecore' is up to date.
scons: done building targets.
There's still more to do, bksys is still linking everything as .dylibs, even things that should be .so's, but other than that, the build system is to the point where we can start hacking on other things. It took a surprisingly few number of changes, just conceptually bksys is a lot to wrap your head around.
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By RangerRick, on October 28th, 2005
More Fink updates since my last blog post. Mostly version-bumps on Java stuff and updates to require Java 1.4 (and I rearranged ant a little bit).
ant-base, ant-optional, ant-junit: updated ant to 1.6.5 and rearranged the packages into:
ant-base: the basic ant package without the optional plugins
ant-junit: the junit ant plugin (unchanged, for upgrade reasons)
ant-optional: the optional plugins for ant, builds everything that it can, only starteam, vaj, and weblogic should be iffy, based on what you have installed
commons-digester: updated to 1.7
commons-lang: updated to 2.1
commons-net: updated to 1.4.0
commons-validator: updated to 1.1.4
jakarta-taglibs-standard: new package (JSP tag libraries), version 1.1.2
jce: updated to be an empty package, depending on the 1.4 JDK (which comes with JCE standard)
jsch: new package (Java SSH2 implementation), version 0.1.23
jzlib: new package (Java ZLib implementation), version 1.0.7
netrexx: new package (REXX programming language runtime), version 2.05
postgresql81: added a PostgreSQL 8.1 package (8.1 beta4). It does not yet contain PostGIS and the other things that go into the "main" PostgreSQL package since it's not yet stable. When 8.1 goes final I'll update it to be the primary.
struts: updated to version 1.2.7
stylebook: new package (documentation generator), version 1.0b3
xalan-j and xalan-j-docs: updated to 2.7.0
xerces-j and xerces-j-docs: updated to 2.7.1
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By RangerRick, on October 19th, 2005
I released KDE 3.4.3 into the wild today, among other things.
amarok: updated to 1.3.3
KDE: updated to 3.4.3. Notable updates include:
KDevelop: really really finally (I swear!) fixed C/C++ project loading. And oh, man, is it a hack. But hey, who's counting? 🙂
KOffice: updated to 1.4.2
Everything Else: just a version bump, nothing major. For details on what's been changed upstream, see the change log.
PostgreSQL: updated to the latest bug-fix releases. Also, updated the mirror list for all of the PostgreSQL packages.
PostgreSQL 7.3: updated to 7.3.11
PostgreSQL 7.4: updated to 7.4.9
PostgreSQL 8.0: updated to 8.0.4
Java: updated to build 313 JDBC driver
PostGIS: updated to PostGIS 1.0.4
Squid: updated to 2.5.STABLE11 and fixed a daemonic upgrade/removal issue.
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By RangerRick, on October 10th, 2005
This weekend my girlfriend (well... now fiancée!) and I went to the mountains to get away.
I had arranged to have a florist deliver a ton of flowers to the cabin so they'd be there when we arrived. We went inside, Cynthia turned around, and I had the ring ready.
I proposed, and she accepted!
We haven't figured out where or when yet; when will probably depend on where since it seems like nowadays you have to book so much in advance. There's plenty of time to work out the details, the important thing is... I love you Cynthia! 
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