By RangerRick, on June 23rd, 2007%
If you have not seen the announcement yet, OpenNMS 1.3.3 was released. It includes lots of bugfixes, as well as a start on separating out the native C code so that packaging a pure-java release of OpenNMS will be easier. We hope to have that wrapped up by the 1.3.4 release.
I’ve released 1.3.3 into 10.4 Unstable, as well as the new iplike package for PostgreSQL. Unfortunately, I had to remove OpenNMS from 10.3 because the 1.3 series requires Java 1.5. I will probably go back and revert 10.3 to the latest 1.2 version, just so that something is available still.
I also spent some time reworking the OpenNMS front page to be more useful for finding information. It was a pretty big mess of random links without much navigation to help people get to the info they need. There’s still more to do, but it’s definitely easier to figure out where to go now. The only problem is, enough people can actually see the link to the demo site that the demo site is hitting tomcat’s maximum connection limits. <grin> Hopefully that will get fixed up shortly, but . . . → Read More: OpenNMS 1.3.3 Released
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By RangerRick, on June 10th, 2007%
I finally had some time to finish up new KDE/Mac builds. They’re current as of a few days ago, and should be finishing seeding shortly.
You can find out more on downloading them here.
There are still a ton of rough edges, but I see a lot of the groundwork kdelibs cleanup that’s been going on has helped the mac builds too. Konqueror actually works pretty well, with https even! Some stuff has regressed however, it looks like a lot of the pretty SVG work that’s gone on in kdegames has made things look a little goofy. Bits of KOffice work enough to actually do something interesting with them. fish:// still doesn’t work, but I think that may be true on Linux as well. 🙂
Anyways, as always, bang on them and let me know what you think.
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By RangerRick, on June 8th, 2007%
So we’re in the process of trying to get OpenNMS 1.3.3 out the door. There are still a few bugs that are considered blockers but for the most part trunk is looking pretty nice.
One of the big things that’s getting a lot of attention is packaging. I’ve autoconf-ized iplike and we’re going to do other work to get all of the native code out of the main java build as much as possible. Not all of that can happen in the 1.3.3 timeframe, but at the least we want to chop things up so there’s only a single opennms RPM, and then platform-specific packages for only the native code.
That should make updates considerably easier, and open up the door for nightly builds and other spiffy stuff. W00t!
Also, a reminder: I’m going to be in San Francisco this week, at WWDC. See you there!
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By RangerRick, on May 21st, 2007%
I finished packaging the latest OpenNMS in Fink over the weekend. It’s now split into 2 packages — opennms (the main OpenNMS code), and opennms-pgsqlXX (the PostgreSQL database-specific code).
You can now use OpenNMS with any version of PostgreSQL you like, just install the proper pgsql entry (after optionally dumping and migrating your data), start up the proper version of postgresql, and you’re set.
Also, I spent some time figuring out how the Debian packages are built, and updated them to 1.2.9 in the OpenNMS APT repository.
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By RangerRick, on May 17th, 2007%
So I started my new job with OpenNMS monday, and after the requisite “help us clean up the support ticket queue” work that any newbie should be forced to go through (grin), I’ve been trying to get the latest OpenNMS release working in Fink.
I must admit, despite the fact that 1.3.2 came out in January, I’d been putting off updating it because they it had been converted to maven. Now, maven is awesome. However, it’s not very compatible with the “build offline” way that packaging works in Fink — not to mention a number of other packaging projects.
I’ve figured out the magic to make maven treat a downloaded tarball of dependencies as a repository, and have everything building/working now. (Yay) I’ll put it in Fink tomorrow, after some testing, but it’s looking good.
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By RangerRick, on May 10th, 2007%
So that was quick.
It turns out I got an offer I couldn’t refuse. In an odd twist of fate, I will be working on the OpenNMS code base, for the third time. (This one’s the charm, right?)
I will be doing community-facing stuff, as well as helping out with all the little things anyone has to do at a very small company. I get to do what I love, which is: a little bit of everything. 😉
Thanks to everyone for their support, I guess I’ll see you folks in #opennms on Monday! (OK, technically I’m already there, but man, that’s not as poetic.)
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By RangerRick, on April 19th, 2007%
So I’ve been sitting on this for some time while I made the plans, but it is now officially official, I’m going to be speaking at aKademy 2007 in Glasgow! I’m really looking forward to meeting all the folks I’ve only talked to in IRC before and really get a chance to hang out with the amazing KDE developer community.
If you’d like to get together, just drop me a line and we’ll figure something out.
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By RangerRick, on March 16th, 2007%
First of all, I released a new snapshot of KDE/Mac on the KDE4/Mac site. These include support for the phonon-xine plugin, and sound in Amarok (and presumably other things that use phonon) now works! Unfortunately, the collections code seems to have issues, so no collections yet. 🙁
Second, I finally got KDE/X11 3.5.6 out the door in Fink unstable, along with KOffice 1.6.2. Nothing mac-specific changed, just the new features discussed in the upstream announcements.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please let me know!
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By RangerRick, on February 28th, 2007%
Last night I finished a new build of KDE/Mac which includes Amarok, building on the great work the Amarok team’s done on Amarok 2.0 porting.
In theory, sound should work (I’ve added GStreamer and kdemultimedia’s phonon-gst backend to the mix) but in practice it doesn’t. Now that I have a solid build working, I’m going to try digging into figuring out why that is the case.
As always, please bang on it, and let me know if you see any major issues.
Also, I’ve started working on packaging kde4 for fink. For now it is the X11 version, but as I get things cleaned up, I’ll add the Qt/Mac version to the mix. I’ll put a note up when there’s something useful along those lines…
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By RangerRick, on February 8th, 2007%
FYI, I put out a new KDE/Mac snapshot a few days ago. Nothing major other than refreshing with the latest SVN and adding oKular into the build. It looks like something’s wrong with plugin-loading, though, oKular can’t find any file plugins.
I’ll look into getting it fixed soon, and see if we can get oKular actually opening documents. 😉
I stand corrected, I must have run kbuildsycoca on one machine but started it up on another. =)
And to prove it…
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