(Finally) New KDE/Mac Snapshot

So I’ve finally gotten a full KDE/Mac build done, and new snapshots are available.

The kdeaddons package went away, and QCA is now part of kdesupport (since they’ve gone on and done new development that isn’t compatible with current KDE trunk). I’ve done some spot-checking, and as always, things that are simple tend to work better — most of the kdegames stuff looks great as always.

Everything in KOffice is unfortunately failing with the error:

11/17/07 12:36:56 AM [0x0-0xb50b5].kspread[11258] ASSERT: “not isInitialized” in file /Users/ranger/cvs/kde-mac/source.build/koffice/libs/pigment/KoColorConversionSystem_p.h, line 70

I haven’t yet figured out why it’s happening yet, but expect an update once I do.

Amarok actually runs and plays music, although it inexplicably loses it’s menu bar completely, so there isn’t much else you can do with it. I suspect it might be the splash screen stuff confusing Qt, but I’m not positive.

BUT, the big news is that it actually works on Leopard too. 🙂 I’ve made an ugly patch that fixes the CoreFoundation fork/exec issue and I was able to open pretty much everything (well, everything that didn’t crash for other reasons… <grin>). . . . → Read More: (Finally) New KDE/Mac Snapshot

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OpenNMS 1.3.8 Available

OpenNMS 1.3.8 is out. The biggest change is that it runs on Windows, with a spiffy GUI installer, even. Well, technically the installer should work for any platform, but it was written to make installation easier on Windows, where there is no real package management. 😉

RPM and Debian packages are prepared as well, so everything should be good to go.

There’s plenty of other nice small changes in this release across the board; it’s definitely clear that we’re approaching ready to put out a stable release. Other than a few small features that we still want to implement, things are definitely looking really solid from a bug standpoint. (A sizeable percentage of our support customers are already running on the 1.3.x series, it’s so much better than 1.2.)

So if you haven’t tried OpenNMS out yet, check it out, it’s the best release yet! And feel free to drop by the discussion lists or irc if you have any issues.

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Quick Update – KDE + Leopard

I’ve got a new kdelibs release for Fink (kdelibs3-unified 3.5.8-1023) which fixes the issue with the ~/.DCOPserver file having sub-directories in it, and also with starting up KUniqueApplications which wanted to fork. Please test it out and let me know how it works, and I’ll try to get it pushed to stable as soon as possible.

If you’re interested, the fix is to use _NSGetArgc() and _NSGetArgv() to pull out the arguments passed to the program, so that you can do a fork-and-exec afterwards (passing a flag to not fork the next time around).

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Fink + Leopard Potpourri

Just wanted to give a quick update on a mix of Fink and Leopard issues.

First of all, if you get the error, “Failed: Can’t fix GCC after Repair Permissions” it’s because the XCode installer decided not to bother erasing your /usr/sbin/gcc_select even though it shouldn’t be there anymore. It should be safe to erase it, but if that scares you, you can upgrade to 0.27.8 and your problem should go away as well… (Fink does not use gcc_select anymore on 10.5 as of 0.27.8.)

Also, people have been coming out of the woodwork hitting the OpenGL bug (“ld: cycle in dylib re-exports with /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.dylib”) so I want to mention it here specifically for search engines to make it easier for people to find the fix.

The fix is to add the following line to your linker command: -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib

It should be a perfectly safe no-op on older Mac OS X releases, but makes sure that the XCode 3.0 linker doesn’t get confused and try to be too smart about finding the correct libGL.dylib.

I’ve also been trying to solve a new-on-leopard issue where . . . → Read More: Fink + Leopard Potpourri

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OpenNMS Installer

So I’ve spent the last week or so working on a Windows installer for OpenNMS, using IzPack, an awesome Java-based installer. After some trial-and-error getting it to handle paths nicely (some of our code is not spaces-in-paths clean, so I had to hack something up to get the DOS 8.3 filename), it seems to be working!

We’re going to spend some time testing it and making sure everything works well enough to be considered an “alpha”, but this certainly appears to put us on track to have a nice installer working shortly after 1.3.8 is out — which should be any day, there are only a couple of bugs left on the blocker list.

…and since IzPack is a Java-based installer, it actually works on Mac OS X and Linux as well, and in theory, anywhere else that supports Java 1.5… (Although it is still recommended you use native package management, since you’ll get config-file management and other nice stuff…)

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Fink and Leopard

If you’ve missed it, David posted to the Fink news that we have initial Leopard support.

Thanks to apple keeping C++ binary compatibility this release (phew) it is most definitely the easiest upgrade yet! For most people, you can just do a “fink selfupdate-rsync” (or “fink selfupdate-cvs”) to get the fink 0.27.7 tool, and it will automatically convert your fink installation to be Leopard-compatible. If you’re doing a fresh fink install, you’ll have to install XCode 3 off the Leopard DVD, and then bootstrap from the 0.27.7 tarball, but it’s a very painless procedure. A binary installer is on the way.

The best part is, increased POSIX compliance and better overall system headers in 10.4 has paid off in most Fink packages working out of the box on 10.5 (minus the stupid linker bug which apple did not fix in time for 10.5.0) and what’s left will get updated as problems arise. The transition (as compared to the 10.3 -> 10.4 gcc-3.3 to gcc-4.0 move) has been considerably less painful.

Since Leopard is still very new, and not many maintainers have had the chance to upgrade, if you find issues . . . → Read More: Fink and Leopard

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Embracing and Extending OpenNMS

Let me start with a story. It’s a story of answering a simple question in the #fink irc channel. What was my answer? It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I used “..\lib” in my response.


That’s right, this week I’ve been in the Land Of Evil, working on porting OpenNMS to Windows. I’ve been so heads-down into it, I actually started thinking in backslashes even in a Mac OS X channel. Oh, the shame. <grin>

Anyways, it actually (surprisingly!) mostly works. The hardest part was porting jicmp, which required setting up a mingw environment and fixing our configure stuff in a lot of ways. And I’ve gotta say, libtool and I have had our differences in the past, but it performed beautifully at hiding the details of making a .dll file out of our code.

There’s still plenty left to do. The docbook stuff doesn’t run right. Our GWT maven plugin inexplicably fails, even though the command-line it generates actually works . . . → Read More: Embracing and Extending OpenNMS

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KDE 3.5.8 in Fink Unstable

I just released KDE 3.5.8 to Fink unstable.

There are a ton of little bugfixes in this release, as well as a few Fink-specific changes, mostly related to Leopard-compatibility… (A newer CUPS and a workaround for a stupid linker bug that won’t be fixed in time for 10.5.0.)

As always, please let me know if you have any issues, or if it works for you. We’re going to try to fast-track the update to stable so we’re ready for Leopard. (Only 10 days to go!)

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The Calm Before the Storm

Sure, it may seem quiet, but oh man, there’s been a lot going on.

First of all, a little off topic… Hockey season has started again. Go ‘Canes! <grin>

Second, as you might or might not be aware, a new kitty is coming to town soon. While David Morrison has done the majority of the work, I’ve been trying to help clean up some loose ends in getting things ready in Fink — validator fixes, working around compiler issues, and other misc stuff.

Third, I and a few other folks have been working on finally getting GNOME up to 2.20 (including GTK+ 2.12) in Fink, which is a metric TON of work. GTK+ 2.8 introduced a dependency on Pango‘s Cairo backend, which has to bubble up into build-time dependencies for literally hundreds of Fink packages. Through a combination of brute force and some automation, this is now to the point where it’s time for brave users to help us find the kinks, test upgrades, and other fun stuff. Expect an announcement sometime this weekend with details.

Fourth, I’ve been working on getting . . . → Read More: The Calm Before the Storm

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OpenNMS Updates, Fink, and KDE

First of all, I want to point out that OpenNMS 1.3.7 is out, and it’s full of awesomeness. Big speed improvements, my SmokePing clone, and lots of other cool stuff. I finally finished up the last of the packaging updates today; 1.3.7 is now in Fink, has Debian packages, and RPMs. I also spent a lot of time updating the installation instructions (Yum, Debian) so please, try it out, and if you run into any issues, let me know, and I’ll make sure the docs get fixed.

In other news, I’ve actually started spending some time getting Fink stuff up-to-date again. PostgreSQL has bugfix releases coming up for all supported releases, and I have some KDE updates coming as well.

In addition, I need to catch up on the KDE/Mac stuff, I’m going to start working on a new build this week.

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