For the love of God, don’t languish in SourceForge-never-completed-land! This project is totally the answer to my code bounty.
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For the love of God, don’t languish in SourceForge-never-completed-land! This project is totally the answer to my code bounty. Share on FacebookSo I e-mailed my buddy Coplan (the guy behind SceneSpot) about a thought I had. I’m finally annoyed enough to do something about this. I really want to write some music again, but I’ve got so much I need to do before I can. I’d love to have a modern tracker for Linux or preferably MacOSX. Here’s what I wrote: I’ve got something either for you to put in Static Line, or for your demo group, if you want something to work on… =) The thing that keeps me from tracking right now is inertia. I had to base my Windows box a while ago and I pretty much lost everything I had been working on. I’ve got no samples, I’ve got none of my half-finished songs, I’ve got nothing but what I’ve already released and made downloadable. Nothing sucks the muse out of you more than having all your tools die. Every time I even feel the slightest desire to track, I can feel the heavy weight of a week of putting a #$*&@# machine back together and trying to get enough samples together to do something interesting. And . . . → Read More: Wanted: A Tracker That Doesn’t Suck Share on FacebookMade it back home fine. I must say, even though they’ve scaled down from what they started with, Midwest Express is still a pretty nice airline to fly. Doesn’t hurt that I get a direct flight from Milwaukee to Raleigh, either. I really hate dealing with hopping around to get where I’m going. Got some good loot for Christmas. The best was a huge suprise — Dad got me a pair of Etymotic ER-4P headphones. These are in-ear, very hi-fi headphones that block out pretty much all ambient noise. Until you’ve heard a pair, it’s really hard to describe just how incredible the sound is. I’m going back and listening to some of my favorite recordings, and hearing things I had no idea were there! It’s really amazing. Go look for some reviews on the net, and you’ll see that pretty much everyone agrees. They’re hard to beat. I’ve been listening to music pretty much continuously since the ride home. =) Speaking of music, over at the Very Big Blog, I see that Duran Duran has gotten back together and is recording another album. I had started out long ago listening to them just . . . → Read More: Back in the USS… uhh, I mean, Raleigh Share on Facebook |
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