So I’ve got the vacation pictures up now. This is the unabridged version, I hope to have a writeup later, but with moving it will probably be some time.
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So I’ve got the vacation pictures up now. This is the unabridged version, I hope to have a writeup later, but with moving it will probably be some time. Share on FacebookNo pictures yet because I took a ton. It’s gonna take some time to organize them and stuff. I’ve caught up on a bit of e-mail in off-moments, but don’t expect much from me for a couple more days. Short version: Montreal and Quebec City were great, DefCon was cool, and Vegas is, well, Vegas. <grin> Share on FacebookGonna be heading up to Montreal for the International Fireworks Competition and then heading off to Vegas for DefCon. Expect pictures and updates sometime around DefCon; if I don’t have net access there, something’s gone horribly, horribly wrong. Share on FacebookA buddy from work has developed the latest technological advancement in begging technology: e-begging! Can you spare a dime? Share on FacebookWelp, I’m home from my vacation. Of course, you know what the first thing I did when I got home was. I’m building Qt/Mac right now, then I’ll look into updating the qt3 dport and start integrating Sam’s patches into my KDE stuff. I’m building with gcc 3.3 just to check things out, can’t hurt to be sure everything’s clean. Hopefully by the weekend I’ll see if I have basic KDE stuff working, and I can start tweaking. Had some thoughts while I was on vacation, I think it would be very cool to have a “desktop2bundle” script or something that will create an application bundle (complete with KDE icon and multi-language support for the label). I’m going to be looking into that once I’ve got things basically working. Also saw that my buddy Weave has a blog up now. Looks like he’s mostly talking about various mac bits from an engineer’s point of view, along with the requisite personal vendetta life has against everything he does. Should be interesting… <grin> Share on FacebookThere’s a discussion going on over at OSNews about how the OSS community needs to start focusing on the users. I think that’s true, but he’s got it backwards. He talks about the developer’s responsibility, but the open-source developer has no responsibility except to himself. It’s the user who has a responsibility to join the community. I do this because I like doing it. I do it because, like any good hobby, I can do something, and then sit back and look at what I’ve done, and be content, knowing I’ve made things better in some small way. Users do not beget open-source software, open-source software begets users. The fact that OSS is useful to “regular” users is great, and it’s certainly no small part in that happiness I mentioned. It’s wonderful to get an e-mail from a happy user who likes the results of your hard work. However, that is not the goal — it is a side-effect. It’s important to note, developers doing something for their own needs does not preclude things that have traditionally been ignored in the developer community. The Fink project that I work on has some . . . → Read More: EXACTLY! Share on FacebookI’m home sick today… woke up and it felt like someone had given my throat a once-over with sandpaper. Thankfully, NyQuil came to the rescue. =) I’m feeling a little better now, but still under the weather. I’m kicking off CVS imports of the tentative KDE 3.1.2 packages between naps, hopefully I’ll have them ready pretty soon. 3.1.2 is due for release next week. Share on FacebookWelp, I’m back from vacation, I Went around a bit of the east coast (mostly Virginia) with my mom and had a great time. We packed a lot into a bit over a week. I’m still catching up on all my Apple-related mail, but it looks like the KDE release went pretty well for the most part. Not many crazy e-mails upon my return about massive amounts of things breaking. 🙂 I see there’s a new kdevelop alpha, and a new koffice beta, so I’m going to get those packaged up in a bit, but it will probably be a few days before I’m caught up enough to get to it. (Still gotta watch last week’s 24 and catch up with family.) Share on FacebookSome turkey may call your bluff. The story is about a good friend of mine, we’ve known each other since first grade. It’s not an April fool’s joke, but it’s certainly better weird news than most of the attempts at humor I’ve seen today. Talk about weird. Glad to hear he’s OK, anyways… Share on FacebookI’m reminded of those games in kids’ magazines. Can you see what’s wrong with this picture? Share on Facebook |
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