KDE Updates Galore

First of all, I released a new snapshot of KDE/Mac on the KDE4/Mac site. These include support for the phonon-xine plugin, and sound in Amarok (and presumably other things that use phonon) now works! Unfortunately, the collections code seems to have issues, so no collections yet. 🙁

Second, I finally got KDE/X11 3.5.6 out the door in Fink unstable, along with KOffice 1.6.2. Nothing mac-specific changed, just the new features discussed in the upstream announcements.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please let me know!

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New KDE/Mac Build: Amarok Included

Last night I finished a new build of KDE/Mac which includes Amarok, building on the great work the Amarok team’s done on Amarok 2.0 porting.

In theory, sound should work (I’ve added GStreamer and kdemultimedia’s phonon-gst backend to the mix) but in practice it doesn’t. Now that I have a solid build working, I’m going to try digging into figuring out why that is the case.

As always, please bang on it, and let me know if you see any major issues.

Also, I’ve started working on packaging kde4 for fink. For now it is the X11 version, but as I get things cleaned up, I’ll add the Qt/Mac version to the mix. I’ll put a note up when there’s something useful along those lines…

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PostgreSQL Security Updates

I’ve released updated PostgreSQL packages from version 7.3 and up. They fix a number of security problems (as well as a bug in the 8.x series that has been in the wild for a couple of days).

All users are encouraged to update.

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Thanks to Dojo for Intel Development Hardware!

When I went to OSCON 2006, I ran into Alex Russell of dojo and sitepen fame. He mentioned that they used Fink a lot (especially KDE) and wanted to help out.

Yesterday, I was walking out the door to head to work, and the doorbell rang. Fresh from the FedEx guy was a nice shiny new core duo 2 mac mini!

I’ve got it configured to the point that I can use it, and now need to get my KDE stuff building on it. This should cut the time it takes to build KDE down to the order of hours instead of days… (Even with distcc, it took 4 or 5 days to do a full build from qt up on my laptop.)

Thanks again!

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Updates Since Um… A Long Time Ago

I’ve been working on packages and catching up on quite a bit of stuff for a while now, but hadn’t gotten around to posting about it, so I guess it’s time to do so. 🙂

I’ve got some more coming down the line — a big reworking of the PostgreSQL packages (including 8.2) as well as a few other things. At that point, I should actually be reasonably caught up.

Big Updates:

KDE: finally got 3.5.5 out the door. Mostly just version bumps, although I did add some code to allow you to easily disable quartz-wm for clipboard synchronization (in some cases, folks were seeing quartz-wm hog memory with a huge leak). You can do so by adding export DISABLE_PROXY=1 in your .xinitrc before you run startkde. Mono: various Mono updates, including a number of compile fixes and stuff. Everything (but MonoDevelop, as always) works now on OSX. Yay!

Other Stuff:

amanith: new package (vector graphics library) amarok: updated to 1.4.4 commons-configuration: updated to 1.3 commons-digester: updated to 1.8 commons-discovery: updated to 0.4 commons-jxpath: new package (XPath interpreter) commons-lang: updated to 2.2 commons-modeler: updated . . . → Read More: Updates Since Um… A Long Time Ago

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It’s Official…

…I’m now Mr. Benjamin Reed.

Er, waitaminute… <grin>

On October 7th, I married Cynthia Fulbright at the Longview Center in downtown Raleigh. We had our reception at the Matthews House in Cary. We honeymooned in Scotland. (It was awesome!)

It was an incredible ceremony, we got a ton of compliments on it, which means a lot since we put it together ourselves. Cynthia was stunning. I’m glad we did the “you can’t see her in the dress until the wedding day” thing, it was wonderful seeing her dressed up like a princess, coming down the aisle. We both smiled the whole time (I’m told I “grinned like an idiot”), and while I was nervous before everything started, once we were up there it was like it was just the two of us and the rest of the world didn’t exist anymore.

Cynthia, I love you, and I can’t be happier to spend the rest of my life with you!

We’ve put up a web site for the wedding, although it doesn’t have much on it . . . → Read More: It’s Official…

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Fink 0.25.0 Out

For the first time since early 2005, a new major version of “fink” the command-line program is out. Plenty of good development work has gone on in the 0.24 series, with lots of nice incremental updates, but a lot of really great stuff has gone into 0.25. While there are plenty of other neat engine things and additions, I’m going to focus here on the changes that users will be able to see.

Internals Speed

Most noticeable right away is speed. The incremental indexer was pretty much rewritten. You will not spend nearly as much time nowadays waiting for fink to scan your info files for changes.

A lot of other smaller operations related to the index have been sped up as well. All in all, fink is much faster. (Although I still would never call it “snappy”… <grin>)


The buildlocks system has been rewritten, and should rarely get in your way anymore. It is much smarter about adding and removing build locks, and can clean up after itself much better.


There are a number of new options for various things.

–log-output Automatically log the output of package . . . → Read More: Fink 0.25.0 Out

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KDE4/Mac Binaries

So I’ve finally gotten things pretty much set up for autobuilding KDE4/Mac packages. Universal packages for 10.4 are available here and I’m working on getting 10.3 packages put together as well. I’m still setting off the build process manually for now so I can watch it, but assuming things work out, they should start updating nightly sometime in the next few days. (Well… Assuming everything builds, of course.)

I’ve noticed there are some endianness issues with the png code, I need to figure out if it’s in libpng or somewhere higher up, but other than that, I was able to actually open Konqueror and browse around. Things are a little more stable than my last report a few months ago, so it looks like kde is moving in a generally forward direction. 🙂

If you have any questions, comments, whatever, please e-mail me or visit us on IRC.

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Smooth Sailing with Leopard

So we’ve been working frantically to get Fink things up and running in a basic way on Leopard. I’m told that Fink HEAD now bootstraps cleanly, and we’ve been slowly working our way through smoke-testing building various things.

For the most part, it’s been really smooth, compared to this time in the previous cycle. The Tiger WWDC preview was nearly unusable; it was enough to get a taste of things to come, but so much was broken at the system level that it was hard to get things working reliably. It took a number of seeds before we could really do much work on 10.4.

That’s definitely not the case on Leopard. Other than a few minor buglets, stuff has been working remarkably well. I’ve probably only had to tweak maybe one in ten packages to get where I am, and those have been minor changes (mostly standard fixes related to POSIX compliance — “#include <sys/types.h>” and such).

I’ve managed to get a decent amount of KDE/X11 built, and it seems to run just fine:


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Updates since June 29th

There are quite a few updates since my last big post. Most notable are getting mono up-to-date (although monodevelop still doesn’t work), Ruby on Rails, and kde 3.5.4 (as of this post, it’s 10.4-only, my 10.3 build machine is still chugging through doing a final verification build, but it should be out in the next day or two).

actionmailer-rb: new package (for Ruby on Rails) actionpack-rb: new package (for Ruby on Rails) actionwebservice-rb: new package (for Ruby on Rails) activerecord-rb: new package (for Ruby on Rails) activesupport-rb: new package (for Ruby on Rails) amarok: updated to 1.4.1 (still no GStreamer engine…) boo: updated to cairo: updated to 1.2.0 cocoa-sharp: updated to 0.9.1 fastercsv-rb: new package (fast CSV parsing for Ruby) ferret-rb: new package (a port of the Lucene search engine to Ruby) gecko-sharp: updated to use firefox1.5 instead of firefox (1.0.x) gnupg and gnupg-idea: updated to 1.4.5 glitz: updated to 0.5.6 gst-plugins-bad-0.10: dependency fixes gst-plugins-base-0.10: updated to 0.10.9 gst-plugins-good-0.10: updated to a 0.10.4 snapshot (for updated OSX drivers) gst-plugins: dependcy fixes gstreamer-0.10: . . . → Read More: Updates since June 29th

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