I've got kdelibs built, and kdebase building. Once I've got those finished, I'll start updating the wiki with info on how to build things, get them, and so on. Woot!
Oh, and here's a little teaser:
Update on KDE/MacI've got kdelibs built, and kdebase building. Once I've got those finished, I'll start updating the wiki with info on how to build things, get them, and so on. Woot! 12 comments to Update on KDE/Mac |
Copyright © 2025 Tales of the Raccoon Fink - All Rights Reserved |
nice job… are your .patch files checked into subversion?
They are now, although the instructions for building and stuff are different, and you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you if you want to build all the kdesupport stuff.
I’ll hopefully be uploading new installer packages soon…
Long time reader, first time poster…
Looks very promising indeed. And the mention of installer packages is genuinely putting a smile on this cynic’s face – the thought of having to compile KDE on an 800 Mhz G3 is not an enticing one.
I know there’s a load of people out there interested in this, but unwilling/unable to bring it to fruition through lack of coding ability. Kudos to you for doing this.
Funny problem with KDE on my new iMac G5. On a 2 proc Mac G5 at work KDE has installed from the fink binaries sans probleme, but the same build on the iMac G5 just gives a grey screen (no splash screen) and a crash after a while. My kde.log file looks like this:
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 751 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-751’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘anonymous-751’
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 755 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘klauncher’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘klauncher’
DCOP: register ‘klauncher’ -> number of clients is now 1
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
kdeinit: Launched KRandrInitHack, pid = 756 result = 0
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 757 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘kded’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘kded’
DCOP: register ‘kded’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-757’ -> number of clients is now 2
DCOP aborting call from ‘anonymous-757’ to ‘kded’
DCOP: unregister ‘kded’
kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.
DCOP: unregister ‘anonymous-757’
kdeinit: PID 757 terminated.
kdeinit: opened connection to :0.0
kdeinit: Launched ‘kcminit’, pid = 764 result = 0
kdeinit: PID 764 terminated.
kdeinit: Launched ‘knotify’, pid = 767 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘knotify’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-767’ -> number of clients is now 2
DCOP aborting call from ‘anonymous-767’ to ‘knotify’
DCOP: unregister ‘knotify’
ERROR: Communication problem with knotify, it probably crashed.
DCOP: unregister ‘anonymous-767’
kdeinit: PID 767 terminated.
kdeinit: Got KWRAPPER ‘ksmserver’ from socket.
kdeinit: PID 774 terminated.
startkde: Shutting down…
kdeinit: terminate KDE.
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
DCOP: unregister ‘klauncher’
startkde: Running shutdown scripts…
startkde: Done.
On the other hand, on the Mac where everything runs normally, the beginning ot the log file looks like this:
startkde: Starting up…
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 2388 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-2388’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘anonymous-2388’
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 2392 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘klauncher’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘klauncher’
DCOP: register ‘klauncher’ -> number of clients is now 1
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
kdeinit: Launched KRandrInitHack, pid = 2393 result = 0
ksplash: WARNING: KGenericFactory: instance requested but no instance name passed to the constructor!
ksplash: Inactive pixmap: /sw/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/splash_inactive_bar.png
ksplash: Active pixmap: /sw/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/splash_active_bar.png
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 2394 result = 0
DCOP: register ‘kded’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister ‘kded’
DCOP: register ‘kded’ -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-2394’ -> number of clients is now 2
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty
kio (KDirWatch): Available methods: Stat
kio (KLauncher): KLauncher: Got kdeinit_exec_wait(‘kbuildsycoca’, …)
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW ‘kbuildsycoca’ from launcher.
kio (KLauncher): kbuildsycoca (pid 2396) up and running.
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
DCOP: register ‘kbuildsycoca’ -> number of clients is now 3
kbuildsycoca running…
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-2396’ -> number of clients is now 4
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /private/var/tmp/kdecache-langowsk/ksycoca
kbuildsycoca: checking file timestamps
kbuildsycoca: timestamps check ok
DCOP Cleaning up dead connections.
DCOP: unregister ‘anonymous-2396’
kdeinit: PID 2396 terminated.
DCOP: unregister ‘kbuildsycoca’
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /private/var/tmp/kdecache-langowsk/ksycoca
kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /private/var/tmp/kdecache-langowsk/ksycoca
kio (KDirWatch): Added Dir /Users/langowsk/.kde/share/servicetypes [KDirWatch-1]
DCOP: register ‘anonymous-2385’ -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: ‘anonymous-2385’ now known as ‘ksplash’
kio (KDirWatch): Global Poll Freq is now 500 msec
kio (KDirWatch): Started Polling Timer, freq 500
kio (KDirWatch): Setup Stat (freq 500) for /Users/langowsk/.kde/share/servicetypes
kio (KDirWatch): Added Dir /sw/share/servicetypes [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): Setup Stat (freq 500) for /sw/share/servicetypes
kio (KDirWatch): Added Dir /Users/langowsk/.kde/share/mimelnk [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): Setup Stat (freq 500) for /Users/langowsk/.kde/share/mimelnk
Anyone can help?
Are you the maintener of Scribus Mac also ?
Because long time ago I found a native binary for OS X but I never heard about it anymore, so I’m trying to find an update of it so maybe you know who is the maintener.
I made a scribus mac back in the day, but it didn’t work right, and as the scribus codebase moved, it became less and less portable. The scribus folks didn’t seem to receptive to changing the codebase around to get rid of the x11 dependencies and I haven’t looked into it since then. They rely pretty heavily on X11 graphics contexts and stuff.
So at this point, to use scribus on the mac, you’ve gotta use X11, unless someone does a *lot* of work, from what I can tell.
Ha ok.
Thank you.
I am new to this site, can you tell me how to checkout your
svn repository?
Hi there,
A question: you say you hope to upload installers, plural. Would that mean someone could just install the things needed for a KOffice install?
Thanks already for the effort!!!!!
I’m impressed with all the work you’re putting into this – it must be extremely time-consuming. As a long time KDE user who’s now moved to the mac, it’s nice to be able to use the old apps (especially Kdevelop).
I don’t have too much time to spare right now, but I’d be very interested in getting the newest (3.1.2) version of Kdevelop to work, either with fink or with opendarwin. Is it doable for a porting novice?
I know I’m excited to be able to use KOffice on OSX. OOo is a great thing, but not so great on OSX. Is there an estimated date that it’ll have instructions? Is there/ could there be an announcement mailing list?
Thanks for the great work!
The wiki appears to be dead…